Where There Is Will...There Is A Way!
Both Jet Blue and other LGB non-commercial airline tenants will be there to fill the seats. If you can be there by 4:00 - 4:30 we would suggest doing so. Regardless, your presence is very important for the final outcome.
As confirmed by two studies (2013 and 2016) their is very little economic benefit to Long Beach for allowing this facility to be built. So why would this council continue to support something that could jeopardize our neighborhoods and our investment.
According to our city attorney report, we could face a legal challenge either way. That is absolutely correct. However, would one choose to be challenged by one carrier, Jet Blue, because they aren't getting their way? Or would a challenge by multiple carriers, that would then include international carriers, be a better legal battle to defend?
We will post the economics comparisons from the two studies tomorrow.
Happy Holidays!!!!!