Council Directed LGB/FIS Feasibility Study to include the following:
1. Terminal enhancement facility definition
2. Facility planning and design
3. Project cost estimates
4. Facility demand and traffic forecasts
5. Financial pro forma and funding plan
6. Feasibility report, which includes a compilation of steps 1-5
Austin elements to be included are:
1. A forecast of additional GA (General Aviation) flights, including corporate and personal jets that would utilize the FIS facility;
2. A Risk Assessment of potential threats to the Airport Noise Ordinance and a plan to mitigate impacted neighborhoods and schools from environmental and health impacts should the airport noise ordinance become invalidated;
3. An assessment of potential security risks created by the addition of international flights.
Why would you include facility planning and design in a study before you are committed to moving this request forward? Certainly the necessary square footage required to accommodate the number of passengers necessary to make this pencil out financially is important, but a design?
The positive elements that were included by Councilmember Austin, for this second study, will give us a more inclusive picture on the possible impacts to our neighborhoods. It will also, if done in an unbiased manner, define the risks associated with enhancing services to accommodate a new flight model for an airport tenant. Commercial airport tenants are on a month to month lease.
Is it the city's job to service a tenants corporate plans or to consider impacts that could be unleashed upon their constituents homes, schools and place of business?
There are many questions that must be answered. Continue to provide the mayor and all council members with your comments and positions on this community impacted proposal! Your continued input does matter......
If you are interested in hosting a neighborhood coffee for additional "fact finding" please provide LB Neighborhoodsfirst with your contact information.
If you have not seen the Mungo comments on how the city could benefit from your relocating please watch:
1. Terminal enhancement facility definition
2. Facility planning and design
3. Project cost estimates
4. Facility demand and traffic forecasts
5. Financial pro forma and funding plan
6. Feasibility report, which includes a compilation of steps 1-5
Austin elements to be included are:
1. A forecast of additional GA (General Aviation) flights, including corporate and personal jets that would utilize the FIS facility;
2. A Risk Assessment of potential threats to the Airport Noise Ordinance and a plan to mitigate impacted neighborhoods and schools from environmental and health impacts should the airport noise ordinance become invalidated;
3. An assessment of potential security risks created by the addition of international flights.
Why would you include facility planning and design in a study before you are committed to moving this request forward? Certainly the necessary square footage required to accommodate the number of passengers necessary to make this pencil out financially is important, but a design?
The positive elements that were included by Councilmember Austin, for this second study, will give us a more inclusive picture on the possible impacts to our neighborhoods. It will also, if done in an unbiased manner, define the risks associated with enhancing services to accommodate a new flight model for an airport tenant. Commercial airport tenants are on a month to month lease.
Is it the city's job to service a tenants corporate plans or to consider impacts that could be unleashed upon their constituents homes, schools and place of business?
There are many questions that must be answered. Continue to provide the mayor and all council members with your comments and positions on this community impacted proposal! Your continued input does matter......
If you are interested in hosting a neighborhood coffee for additional "fact finding" please provide LB Neighborhoodsfirst with your contact information.
If you have not seen the Mungo comments on how the city could benefit from your relocating please watch: