Are We Loud Enough?
"I just learned something valuable from my two year old...the louder he is, the quicker I listen. Let's be loud. Let's get them to listen. Share with anyone you can."
Rita Nayak, West Bixby Knolls
Most of us can all relate to this scenario. Either through our own experiences with our children or sharing toddler time with family or friends. It's the old adage- the squeaky wheel......
We have added nearly 120 new names to the LBNF roster! We have over 100 new volunteers who are canvassing the districts with NO INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS fliers! We have reached out to citywide leaders to hear their thoughts and shared many documents and suggestions with Mayor Garcia and all 9 council members. We have done outreach through local media, Facebook and yes even some Twitter!
This specific attempt to place additional risks on our coveted noise ordinance (only one of five in the country) has been ongoing since 2013. Our new terminal was officially opened in 2013. Shortly after the Grand Opening in 2013 was when Jet Blue initiated their request with then LGB Director, Mario Rodriquez. They met with CBP, communicated with the FAA, hired Frasca & Associates to complete an economic study, provided several blue prints of schematic possibilities and even presented LGB with a term sheet. All of this without receiving any direction from our city council! After the 2014 elections your HUSH2 team met with Mayor Garcia and all council members willing to talk with us. We provided them with the historical documents of LGB litigation history from 1980-2006. We offered to meet and help each of them in any way that we could. Unfortunately, not one individual thought it prudent to continue with our conversations.
This Tuesday, January 24th the city council will cast their final vote to either deny the Jet Blue request or grant JB and city staff to move forward on this project. The agenda item is worded to suggest their will be other points of approval, but the reality is "this plane will have left the gate....".
If council members from District 1,2,3,5,6 and 9 ( or at least two of them) don't join the efforts of Supernaw, Austin and Uranga to keep our airport "municipal", HUSH2 will begin staging for resident litigation efforts much like the 1700 residents did in the 80's. But more importantly our focus will be about building an army to go against all districts and the mayor who will be running for reelection in April 2018. The Mayoral position and Districts 3 & 5 are most vulnerable. Districts 3,5 and 8 have the highest number of voters and their support is crucial to win the mayoral seat.
We will be posting some of the communications we have shared with our elected officials and comments from several of our Long Beach citizens over the next few days. Please check back periodically for updates between now and Tuesday, 24th. And of course, your comments are encouraged.